
SRM Contractors Limited IPO

SRM Contractors Limited IPO Subscription Details
SRM Contractors Limited IPO Subscription Status Live
Investor Category Shares Offered *** Shares Bid for Total Amount (Rs Cr.)* Subscription (times)
Qualified Institutions 1,240,000
Non-Institutional Buyers 930,000
  bNII (bids above ₹10L) 620,000
  sNII (bids below ₹10L) 310,000
Retail Investors 2,170,000
Total 4,340,000 0 0.00 0.00

Last Updated On :
* The total sum is computed according to either the final issue price or the upper price range.
** The allocation for anchor investors (or market makers) is excluded from the total shares offered.
*** Shares Offered" and "Total Amount" are determined using the upper end of the issue price range.
SRM Contractors Limited IPO Reservation
Investor Category Shares Offered
Anchor Investor Shares Offered 1,860,000 (30%)
QIB Shares Offered 1,240,000 (20%)
NII (HNI) Shares Offered 930,000 (15%)
  bNII > Rs.10L 620,000 (10%)
  sNII < Rs.10L 310,000 (5%)
Retail Shares Offered 2,170,000 (35%)
Total Shares Offered 6,200,000 (100%)